Jul 2, 2021

25 Ways to enjoy July

Celebrate national ice cream month

Go vegetarian once a week

Invite friends over and have them try one of your favorite treats for the season

Enjoy your patio, deck & balcony

Try a New workout routine

Reread your favorite book

Have a movie marathon

Organize your closet

Get a makeover

Take a road trip

Make time for a date night (couple or single)

Enjoy seasonal fruit & Veggie dishes/recipes

Enjoy the constellations

Enjoy a favorite childhood activity

Make it a fun Saturday morning and go to a farmers market

Go to music in the park events

Start a home herb Garden

Binge watch a popular series

Go for a swim

Host a Youtube music concert in your living room

Grill & enjoy a meal outside

Moved...Walk & get those steps in

Rest, Restore, Recharge, Renew

Playlists...share a song a day with the world of your favorite music

Start a New tradition