Aug 6, 2021

My Summer Books

It took me a long time to get back into reading. When I was younger and before my child was born,  I used to truly enjoy reading  for pleasure that is. And of course you know    when you go to college you have to read for that, so luxury readings was put on the back burner.

With the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic I decided to take control of my self-care and my well-being. I find it interesting that when we read, watch, listen and do for ourselves we become clearer about our own life journey and what we really want and need to be whole and well.

I've been reading Reese Witherspoon's book club books for the last year and so far she's not been off the mark on any of them they've been really great reads those that have got a chance to actually finish that is.

This summer I decided to stick to my guns and actually start and finish the books for the summer. So I was able to do that plus an added bonus one and I'm so glad that I did. I did it for me for change. I took care of me for change. I fed my spirit and my soul and my well-being for once.

I hope that you decide to take care of you and enjoy your life once and for all. Work on being well-rounded for your own self. I hope you get to read one of these.

All my best,




             For Extra Measure