Apr 28, 2023

50 Ways to Handle Bias: Building a More Inclusive World

Bias is an inherent part of human nature. Our brains often make snap judgments based on stereotypes and preconceived notions, which can lead to discrimination and inequality. However, recognizing and addressing bias is essential for creating a more inclusive and equitable society. In this blog post, we'll explore 50 ways to handle bias in various aspects of our lives, from personal interactions to workplace settings and beyond.

Understanding Bias

  1. Self-awareness: Acknowledge your own biases before trying to address them in others.
  2. Education: Learn about different types of bias, including implicit, explicit, and systemic bias.
  3. Empathy: Put yourself in others' shoes to understand their experiences.

Personal Interactions

  1. Active listening: Listen to others without judgment or interruption.
  2. Ask questions: Seek to understand different perspectives and experiences.
  3. Avoid stereotypes: Don't make assumptions about people based on their race, gender, or other characteristics.
  4. Challenge friends and family: Politely address bias in casual conversations.


  1. Diverse curricula: Encourage schools to incorporate diverse voices and histories into their teachings.
  2. Promote critical thinking: Encourage students to question stereotypes and biases they encounter.
  3. Inclusive books and media: Support literature and media that showcase diverse characters and stories.


  1. Diversity training: Participate in or advocate for diversity and inclusion training at your workplace.
  2. Bias reporting: Ensure your workplace has a clear process for reporting and addressing bias.
  3. Diverse hiring: Promote diverse recruitment practices and inclusive job postings.
  4. Mentorship and sponsorship: Support underrepresented colleagues by mentoring or sponsoring them.
  5. Inclusive language: Use gender-neutral language and avoid microaggressions.

Media Consumption

  1. Diverse sources: Seek news and media from a variety of outlets to avoid echo chambers.
  2. Fact-checking: Verify information before sharing it to prevent spreading bias.
  3. Media literacy: Educate yourself on recognizing bias in news and media.
  4. Support diverse creators: Follow, share, and financially support content from underrepresented voices.

Community Engagement

  1. Volunteer: Get involved in organizations that promote equity and inclusion.
  2. Attend workshops: Participate in workshops and events on bias and diversity.
  3. Advocate for change: Lobby for policy changes and initiatives that combat bias.
  4. Support minority-owned businesses: Contribute to economic empowerment.

Social Media

  1. Block or mute: Use platform features to filter out hateful or biased content.
  2. Report abuse: Report biased or offensive posts to the platform administrators.
  3. Engage respectfully: Foster constructive conversations rather than confrontations.
  4. Share positive stories: Highlight stories of inclusivity and unity.

Government and Policy

  1. Vote for inclusive leaders: Support candidates who prioritize diversity and equity.
  2. Advocate for inclusive policies: Contact your representatives to voice your concerns.
  3. Participate in community meetings: Attend town halls and meetings to influence local policies.

Legal Support

  1. Know your rights: Familiarize yourself with anti-discrimination laws in your region.
  2. Seek legal help: Consult an attorney if you experience bias in housing, employment, or public services.
  3. File complaints: Report incidents of bias to appropriate authorities.

Community Building

  1. Create safe spaces: Establish spaces where people can discuss and address bias openly.
  2. Build diverse networks: Expand your social circles to include people from various backgrounds.
  3. Promote allyship: Encourage others to be allies and support marginalized communities.


  1. Educate children: Teach kids about bias, empathy, and the importance of inclusion.
  2. Provide diverse role models: Expose children to a wide range of diverse role models.
  3. Monitor media consumption: Supervise and discuss media content to counter stereotypes.

Online Resources

  1. Online courses: Take advantage of courses and resources on diversity and bias.
  2. Podcasts and documentaries: Listen to or watch content that explores bias and discrimination.
  3. Online communities: Join forums and groups focused on addressing bias.


  1. Practice self-reflection: Regularly assess and address your own biases.
  2. Mental health support: Seek professional help if you experience emotional distress due to bias.
  3. Self-compassion: Be kind to yourself when addressing your own biases.

Continuous Learning

  1. Stay informed: Keep up with current events and research on bias.
  2. Attend conferences: Participate in conferences on diversity, equity, and inclusion.
  3. Read books: Explore literature that delves into bias and its impact.

Allies and Support

  1. Be an ally: Stand up against bias when you witness it, even if it doesn't affect you directly.
  2. Collaborate for change: Work with others to create a more inclusive world.


Addressing bias is an ongoing journey that requires commitment, empathy, and continuous self-reflection. By implementing these 50 strategies in your personal life, workplace, and community, you can contribute to a more inclusive and equitable world where diversity is celebrated and bias is challenged at every turn. Remember that change starts with individual actions, and collectively, we can make a significant difference in dismantling bias and discrimination.